Friday, January 15, 2010

Daily 49 - What's in a name?

Connect( identify all for bonus points)

Techniques named after the sports-persons

1. Dick Fosbury - The Fosbury flop
2. Alexander Karelin - The Karelin lift
3. Johan Cryuff - The Cryuff turn
4. Parry O'Brien - The O'Brien throw in shotput

Anand got it right( minor flaw in the answer)

1 comment:

  1. Techniques that revolutionised their respective sport

    1 : High Jump - Fosbury Flop, introduced by Dick Fosbury ( Y do americans's name their kids Dick ??!!)

    2 : Wrestling - Karelin Lift - introduced by the Russian, Aleksandr Karelin

    3 : Football - Total Football, employed by the enigmatic Dutch

    4 : Shot Put - The 'O'Brien Style' or the O'Brien Glide, used by Parry O'Brien, who broke the world record 17 times and became the first person to throw the 16 pound ball more than 60 feet

